Friday, November 13, 2015

friday the 13th // deep thoughts by stephanie

When I first started this blog, it was difficult for me to decide whether or not I wanted to call it a "fashion" blog. Not because I don't think I'm fashionable - I love fashion, I went to school for fashion and at one point I thought I was going to make a career out of it. I'm not a model - I'm far from it. So it feels strange to go out and get my picture taken. I'm also not an author or a writer. So I hesitated to start this blog because I was scared of what people might think. It was out of my comfort zone. But then I thought, who cares? It makes me happy to talk about things I like, and to share things with whomever may be interested. And who doesn't need to step out of their comfort zone every once in a while? (#YOLO - am I right?) Since moving to Missouri, my social life has severely diminished. I feel like I'm slowly becoming an agoraphobic and I needed something to get me out of that funk, because I am a social person. The more posts I write, the easier it gets. I'm having so much fun with this blog, and I'm working on some fun, creative, fashionable content for the next several weeks that I'm super excited to share with you all. I hope you stop back to check it out! 

Happy Friday!
Now on:
Instagram: @theblondestyleblog
Twitter: @blondestyleblog
Pinterest: @theblondestyle

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